Touch Your Fingers to Let Your Body Heal You

In Asian countries, people rarely use over-the-counter medications to treat their health problems and it is a known fact that herbal treatments and remedies are the best in curing various ailments but of late, many are turning to holistic healing, which is a 5000-year-old Japanese healing art.

According to the art, it is suggested that if you hold the right finger, you will be able to heal your inner body and improve your mental health.

Surprised? Well, today we list out some of the health facts that are related to each of the fingers on your body and if you are stressed, worried, or tensed, all you need to do is to hold your thumb.

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When held, the thumb enables the body to release the tension in the brain, therefore helping you to get rid of the nerve-ending tension and Likewise, the index, middle, ring and the little fingers have distinct healing powers.

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So, why do not you take a look at how your fingers can help you stay away from diseases and other ailments? Go ahead, have a look:

The Thumb Finger

If you are under stress, all you need to do is to hold your thumb tight and count to 20 to 30 seconds than this little exercise will help to reduce stress as well as calm your nerves and on the other hand, if you are suffering from digestive problems, follow this exercise, since the thumb is connected to the spleen and stomach, which in some way acts on the problems and cures the ailment.

The Index Finger

The index finger is connected to the kidneys and if held it helps to prevent the kidney stones and failure and by holding the index finger, you will be able to balance the water in the body, which therefore prevents the stones from forming.

The Middle Finger

Anger, frustration and fatigue are all connected to the middle finger and If you are witnessing a slight headache, clench your middle finger tight and The pressure released will enable your pain to disappear and On the other hand, the middle finger is connected to our liver and gall bladder, so you can treat your problem naturally by holding the finger thrice during the day.

The Ring Finger

The ring finger is connected to the heart and It is also connected to the lungs, which when pressed helps you to breathe better and well and it is beneficial for those who are suffering from breathing problems to follow this exercise.

The Little Finger

Pressing the little finger helps to calm the nerves in the body at the same time, the little finger is connected to the heart, which also helps in preventing heart attacks and diseases if you frequently press the little finger.

The Palm

The palm is connected with the diaphragm and umbilicus and Holding your palms together will help to look after your overall health Experts also advise one to treat each finger individually, as giving them that special time will aid in getting rid of a lot of problems.


Touch Your Fingers to Let Your Body Heal You

One thought on “Touch Your Fingers to Let Your Body Heal You

  • 24 December 2017 at 2:35 PM

    Nice post neha …
    Really very good and useful for all …

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