Wedding Night Sex Tips To Make Situation Less Awkward For Newly-Weds

Most people grow up believing that they will have the most amazing and memorable sex of their lives on their wedding night. Maybe, the Hindi movies where the notion of ‘Suhaag Raat’ is so over-hyped that it makes it almost impossible not to make elaborate plans about the wedding night sex.

However, what we watch on screen or the stories we hear from friends, do not tell us the entire truth. Although the level of excitement to have sex on the wedding night might be very high, but at the same time, it can also be an awkward experience. So, let’s read about a few tips to make wedding night sex a less awkward experience.

Don’t Rush Into It

The best thing to do on the wedding night is to take things slow. Don’t rush into doing things, which you would end up repenting later. Try to savour the moment because it will never happen again. Don’t fall for the hype to make it a sensual experience, rather focus on making it a romantic and emotional night.

Don’t Have High Expectations

Chances are that by the time the night arrives, most newly-weds are tired. Attending to wedding guests, friends and family can be very exhaustive during the day-time function. So, do not feel guilty if you find yourself not in your best form to have sex on the most-awaited night of your life. Instead of having high expectations it’s better to know that not everyone has sex on their wedding night.

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Keep flirtation Alive During Wedding

Imagine having sex with a person for the first time only because you are expected to do so? There can be nothing more awkward and embarrassing than that. So, keep the flirting alive during the wedding. In Most Indian Weddings, the bride and groom are so busy performing one ritual after the other that they are hardly left with any time to talk to each other. Prepare yourself and your spouse for the night ahead by engaging in healthy flirting during the day.

Take Into Consideration What Your Spouse Wants

Remember, the wedding night is not only about you but it is also about your newly-married partner (spouse). Before having sex, it’s very important to take into consideration what the other person wants. What if he or she is not ready to have sex or maybe too tired to engage in the act? In order to make it a memorable affair, both the partners should be ready for it.

Wedding Night Tips