How the Birds working ?

Humming bird

Can birds fly backward?

Hummingbirds can! These tiny birds with their high-speed wing beats can fly in any direction, even the backward.

They can also keep their bodies perfectly still in mid-air.


Can a bird fly all of the time in the sky?

Most birds fly for short period and then return to land to rest and food. There are some birds that can fly non-stop for years. The sooty tern flies over the oceans for 3 to 5 years before returning to land to breed.


Which bird catches fish for people to eat?

A web footed diving bird, the cormorant, with a huge appetite for fish.

In the east, fisherman uses the cormorant to dive underwater to catch fish for them.

A metal ring around the bird’s neck stops it from swallowing the fish.


Which birds can weaves?

The male red-headed weaver bird makes a largest nest by weaving grasses together. These strong nests may last for a year and can be used many times.


Did you know that a bird can sew?

The tailor bird makes nest using its sharp beak as a needle to sew two large leaves together and the leaves are then filled with soft grasses.


Did you know that a peregrine?

Falcon can drive at over 320 km/h. This is the fastest bird in flight but it would not be able to dive on its prey at this speed.


Which bird has the largest wingspan?

The wandering albatross spends its life flying over the southern oceans. With its 3.5m (12 ft) wingspan, it glides over the waves stopping only to feed.


Which bird flies underwater?

On land, the flightless penguin is a clumsy, funny creature.

Underwater it flies with great speed and grace.

These are the only birds that can fly underwater.